Monthly Archives: January 2014

Don’t Be Too Ambitious When Dieting

Plus Model Jennie Runk Talks About The Industry, Body Image And Dieting With Elle Magazine


When you try to lose weight in a short period of time, you will lack essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Muscle tissue will decrease, and immunity levels will fall, said Prof. Shim Ki-nam at the department of internal medicine at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital in southwestern Seoul. Trendy diets such as a one food diet or a one meal a day diet can cause gastritis, menstrual irregularity and anemia as well as loss of hair, she added. The following are some of the risks involved in excessive dieting.
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Lets get real. Images in the media are a fantasy like a movie or novel, they depict a glamorized, FICTIONAL, version of life. To prove my point, here is a picture of garcinia cambogia dr oz me as I am right now, catching up on my DVR. For miracle garcinia cambogia the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit ; [] January 15, 2014 at 7:30 am [] We are supposed to be different shapes, sizes, colors, etc.
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