Monthly Archives: December 2013

Healthy Holiday Habits: Moderation, Exercise And Not-so-rich Recipes

The 12 Easiest Healthy Eating Tips–Ever!

These expert tips will take the guesswork out of eating right once and for all.

Champagne 91 calories for 4 ounces, about 500 for the whole bottle (You know who you are.) Alternative: “Moderation is best here,” O’Dell reminded. “But there are also a lot of sparkling juices available.” Akin’s has an awesome lingonberry-apple sparkling juice that’s only 100 calories for 8 ounces. Exercise: You may not feel like it the next day, but running can burn 480-880 calories in one hour. You’ll also sweat out those toxins ? or so we’re told.
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Healthy Eating: Healthy snacks for Santa

As colorful as possible, giving delight to the eyes; food is a rainbow brought down to earth. As cheerful as possible, maximizing moments of happiness and pleasure.” -Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of What Are You Hungry For? 8. Start off on the right food. “Eat a protein-rich breakfast to refuel your body after a night of rest, satisfy your appetite so you’re less likely to graze later, and prime you to make healthy food choices throughout the rest of your day.” -Joy Bauer, R.D., nutrition and health expert on Today 9. Keep it real. “The harder it is to tell what a food looked like when it came out of the ground, the more likely that food is highly processed.” -Neal Barnard, M.D., president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine 10.
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Healthy holiday habits: Moderation, exercise and not-so-rich recipes

The exercise was hard at first but now Santa reports it is fun. Rudolph is especially proud of Santa. He walks to the toy shop now instead of automatically going for the sleigh. But Mrs. Claus believes he still has a way to go with his eating habits and needs help. If only the children could show Santa how much they care, it would make a big difference, because you know how much Santa loves children, she said. According to Bureau of Census data, there are 25 million households with young children. If each family left two average-size chocolate chip cookies for—crucial-data-released-231403591.html Santa, it would amount to more than 500 million grams of fat and more than 7 billion calories.
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Young women ‘need better support’ for healthy eating

Pregnant lady preparing a salad

These strategies involved increasing garcinia cambogia side effects people’s confidence in choosing and cooking healthy foods, ensuring they have ease of access to fruits and vegetables, and adopting local media campaigns to advertise the benefits of healthy eating. Dr. Mary Baker, of the Medical Research Council Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit at the University of Southampton and one of the study authors, says: “Young women need to be supported to make healthier food choices, but we also need to work with government and industry to make healthy food choices easier. The challenge for public health is to stop telling everyone what they should and shouldn’t do and instead empower women, policy makers and food companies to generate consensus about what needs to be done.” add your opinion Reader OpinionsMost recent opinions are shown first Like Picking Leaves Off A Tree!Posted by Dr. J on 14 Dec 2013 at 2:03 pmThe current and probably future attempts at changing the poor direction of the obesity epidemic is like picking the leaves off a tree! If you want to kill a tree, chop off the roots! With obesity we have a food industry tree that needs its roots clipped with enforced regulations to vastly improve the current trough that people addictively feed out of!
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